Wednesday, December 8, 2010

被封“雪州最髒瀑布”‧烏魯音瀑布變垃圾場 (Ulu Yam Waterfall Classified as Dumpsite Waterfall)

  • 烏魯音瀑布入口處也堆滿垃圾,可見鮮少人員管理該處。(圖:星洲日報)














Hulu Yam Waterfall Classified as Dumpsite Waterfall
* Domestic News 2010-12-07 18:30 *

At the Entrance of the Park. This shows that not many is managing the place.(Photo: Sin Chew Daily)

(Kuala Lumpur, 7 News) A known waterfall picnic spot in Ulu Yam, tragically being damage by litterbugs, beautiful waterfalls turns into a garbage dump!

Joe Yap, a representative from Waterfall Survivors Sin Chew Daily, the scenic waterfalls in Ulu Yam is strewn with garbage everywhere. From the look at the rubbish, it shows that it has not been clean up by the care taker for a long time. This not only affects the beauty of the waterfall but also the hygiene of the waterfalls and the environment.

She said that they have cleaned up the waterfalls not too long ago but the rubbish piled up again and it is worst than before.
"We have been to more than 80 waterfalls, more than half of are dirty but the Ulu Yam Waterfall in Selangor is the worst we've seen"
She said that the organization regularly hosts clean-up programs at waterfalls in response to caring for the earth, protect the environment movement.

Cleaning up in the Ulu Yam Falls in July did not solve the problem.
"This year in July we have cleaned Ulu Yam falls, but during a visit last week, we found that the waterfall's rubbish problem is even serious than before."

She believes, the falls are dirty may be due to dirty the lack of civic-minded travellers, littering, and government agencies rarely looked after.

She said that the waterfall is a tourist attraction, the cleanliness problems, will give visitors a bad impression of the Falls.
Joe Yap had contacted the Executive Councillor of Tourism, Consumer Affairs and Environment of Selangor State Govt, Y.B. Elizabeth Wong to reflect this and action will be taken by the relevant authorities soonest possible.

Sin Chew Daily ‧ 2010.12.07